Thursday, November 13, 2008

News and Stories

Since this blog is a newsletter as well as a source of announcements, it would be nice for some of you to write stories that have to do with pianos. For example, I traveled to Ukraine and tuned some Russian pianos while I was there. I will write a short story about my experience with those pianos and post it on the blog. You can do the same. It can be funny, dangerous, or just everyday. Please be thinking of something you would like to tell the rest of us about and be apart this newsletter.

Please send your stories and pictures to vtptg (dot) now (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you.

Greg Moore
Secretary, VT PTG

November Meeting Update

With a substantial turnout for the third straight meeting in a row, Vermont Piano Technicians gathered to hear Lowell Wakker lead a class on the Verituner with Allan Day presenting his expertise on the CyberTuner. There was quite a diverse group ranging from aural tuners, Accutuner users, Verituner users and CyberTuner users who were all interested in the strengths or weaknesses of each system. With the latest advances in ETD technology tuners are able to create tunings that are customizable to their individual tastes or the preferences of the customer with greater ease than ever before.

Next meeting will be in January with the subject being RPT skills. More will be posted as the time gets closer. Have a great holiday season!

Piano Sales Blog

With at least 5 dealers in the State and many more technicians in used sales or commission sales, there may be a need to help buyers and sellers connect. Nothing would be better than to have an area in which we can list pianos we have for sale where others including clients can look. With that in mind, I decided to give it a try and see what the response would be from all of you. Because this is a test at the moment, I would like some feedback from you with comments, suggestions or criticisms.


1. Ease of matching pianos to customers
2. Helps clients sell their pianos
3. Gives a broader range of pianos to choose from
4. Even "Free" pianos can be listed (buyer beware)
5. It would be fun to sell a piano :o)
6. Good way to advertise your pianos to the rest of the technicians
7. You can even upload pictures, slide-shows and videos of your piano
8. Site can be developed further
9. If you own a store, you can advertise it and point to your web page, email or telephone number at the same time.
10. Your comments


1. None that I can think of.
2. Tell me what you think. You can either e-mail me or place a comment in the comment box below this post.

Here is the blog site

Comment, the piano that is listed is a piano I am trying to sell for a client. This is something like what your ad could look like.

Greg Moore RPT
Secretary, Vermont PTG
LVPianos (at) gmail (dot) com