Tuesday, September 22, 2009

October 2009 Meeting

This month we are planning on a trip to the Frederick Collection in:


Please check out: http://www.frederickcollection.org/

The purpose of the Frederick Piano Collection is to give musicians and music lovers a chance to hear works by major piano composers, played on pianos such as those the composers knew, and for which their music was conceived.

The Collection includes only grand pianos, by important makers whose instruments were highly regarded in their day, acquired in basically good condition, with most of their original materials intact (especially soundboards). It aims to match each instrument to a specific composer or generation of composers known to have used or preferred that make and vintage of piano. The period of pianos in the Collection extends from about 1790 to 1907, representing music from Haydn and Beethoven through the French Impressionists.

We look forward to seeing you there. For more information please contact visit the web site.

Details will follow as to timing and carpooling. Please tell us if someone can ride with you at vtptg (dot) now (at) gmail (dot) com.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June Cookout

It's BBQ time! Ed and Emily Hilbert will be hosting this month's get-together featuring a potluck cookout. So be sure to come with an empty stomach. Chicken and hamburgers will be provided. Please RSVP if you haven't already with what food you want to bring and eat.

We will have an abbreviated technical on managing future appointments and customer databases.

Date: Tuesday, June 9th
Time: 3:30 PM - 6:00
Place: 40 Pleasant St.
Bristol, VT

Contact info: Ed or Emily Hilbert 802-453-3743

Don't forget to bring some extra food along!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May Meeting


Ed Hilbert will be sharing his expertise on soundboard and rib repairs for both grands and uprights.

Date: May 12th Generally the second Tuesday of every month unless otherwise noted

Meeting Place: Ed and Emily Hilbert

40 Pleasant St.

Bristol, VT

Meeting Time: 3:30 - 6:00 PM

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April in Review

The past meeting's discussion focused on contracts used by members of the Vermont Piano Technicians Guild. Tom Roby and Ed and Emily Hilbert brought a number of very insightful contracts to the table. They included contracts for moving pianos, selling pianos, working on pianos, renting pianos etc. The bottom line: if you are a piano technician, it is very important to have the right contracts for the job to protect yourself. All attendees had the additional benefit of being given copies to peruse.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April Meeting

Next month’s meeting will be Tuesday, April 14th at Hilbert Pianos located at 40 Pleasant St, Bristol. If anyone needs directions please call the Hilberts at 802-453-3743.

Technical: Please everyone bring in your contracts! We will discuss business contracts (for example rental agreements and project estimates). Ed Hilbert will moderate the discussion.

We will also have the unique opportunity to look at a 1792 Broadwood Square which will have just returned from Tim Hamilton's shop in Boston. It has had a complete rebuild to be restored back to good playing condition. I think the members who can turn up will enjoy seeing it and getting a chance to play on it. So, all of you out there who would like to try a properly restored 217 year old piano, come early so you can get a little playing time in on it.

Meeting time is 3:30 - 6:00 PM.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Meeting

Allan Day said he would be happy to present a technical at his house on a review of the classes he attended at the California State Conference. He says, "I was very impressed with the caliber of the teachers and practical application of the subject matter. One technical of note was by Darrell and Heather Fandrich. They have developed a computer assisted touch weight control method and program. This makes it possible to achieve a remarkably smooth and uniform touch that can be applied to any piano. I will show the graphics on my TV screen and explain how the program is used." He also indicated that he would follow up on the mystery lubricant that necessitated a full restringing on a customer's Steinway model 45.

See you on March 10th!

Place: Allan Day
8 Lincoln Rd.
Williston, VT
Call for directions: 1-802-879-4338
Time: 3:30- 6:00 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Pianos on vtpianosale.blogspot.com

Vermont Pianos for Sale has been updated with 6 more pianos! It is free advertising for all guild members who want to participate. Not only that, but you can also present a greater selection to your clients who are in the market for a piano.
Don't forget: vtpianosale.blogspot.com. You can also access vtpianosale.blogspot.com through our PTG Chapter blog vtptg.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

February Meeting

RPT Exam Prep. Class

Attention Associate Members! This class is especially for associate members who are working on becoming RPTs. Marc Poulin, our chapter's CTE, will be the class instructor. Associates will be able to practice on action models and jigs in order to sharpen their skills for the RPT exams. RPTs will benefit from this class too! Be sure to come!

If you are an associate member you will not want to miss this meeting.


Date: Tuesday February 10, 2009
Time: 3:30-6:00
Place: Hilbert Pianos
40 Pleasant St.
Bristol, VT 05443
Meal to follow at a local restaurant

If you have any questions please e-mail vtptg (dot) now (at) gmail (dot) com or call Ed and Emily Hilbert at (802) 453-3743.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January Meeting

Date: Tuesday, January 13
Time: 3:30- 6:00 PM
Place: Tom McNeil in Barre


We will have a tech session on lubricants this month. If anyone
has anything formally prepared, let her or him lead the session. If not,
we're sure to have a lively discussion if we each throw a few of our favorite lubes in a box and bring them for 'show and tell'. Such informal sessions can be highly informative and great fun!

Contact: Tom McNeill for directions mcneiltom (at) aol (dot) com

Any other questions: Please e-mail vtptg (dot) now (at) gmail (dot) com

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January Meeting

The meeting date, place and subject is still being deliberated. We will keep you posted.