Thursday, April 30, 2009

April in Review

The past meeting's discussion focused on contracts used by members of the Vermont Piano Technicians Guild. Tom Roby and Ed and Emily Hilbert brought a number of very insightful contracts to the table. They included contracts for moving pianos, selling pianos, working on pianos, renting pianos etc. The bottom line: if you are a piano technician, it is very important to have the right contracts for the job to protect yourself. All attendees had the additional benefit of being given copies to peruse.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April Meeting

Next month’s meeting will be Tuesday, April 14th at Hilbert Pianos located at 40 Pleasant St, Bristol. If anyone needs directions please call the Hilberts at 802-453-3743.

Technical: Please everyone bring in your contracts! We will discuss business contracts (for example rental agreements and project estimates). Ed Hilbert will moderate the discussion.

We will also have the unique opportunity to look at a 1792 Broadwood Square which will have just returned from Tim Hamilton's shop in Boston. It has had a complete rebuild to be restored back to good playing condition. I think the members who can turn up will enjoy seeing it and getting a chance to play on it. So, all of you out there who would like to try a properly restored 217 year old piano, come early so you can get a little playing time in on it.

Meeting time is 3:30 - 6:00 PM.