Saturday, February 6, 2010

Part 2 Grand Piano Regulation

Tuesday, February 9th, the Vermont Chapter will be hosting the second part in a four part series on Grand Piano Regulation. The meeting begins at 3:30 PM at Hilbert Pianos on 40 Pleasant St. in Bristol. For directions and other information please call (802) 453-3743.

These opportunities can often come with a price tag, please take advantage of this FREE opportunity to improve and refine your skills.

Here is a description of the program, as described by Ed Hilbert:

February 9th: Part Two

The second presentation deals with what needs to be considered and done to many actions before they are really ready to be regulated. In other words, prep work such as cleaning, restoring proper friction, shaping of hammers, replacing or reshaping various parts (knuckles, whippen cloth, regulating button cloth, etc.) Only when this work is done is an action really ready for high level regulating.