Thursday, September 30, 2010

October PTG Meeting in Montpelier

New Event:
PTG Meeting Wed. October 13th 3:30pm at Vermont Piano Restorations in Montpelier

At this meeting we plan to discuss 2 topics, 1 "Stayin Alive" discussing ways to keep old instruments going while staying within budget. For the second topic, Chris Rawson will give a demonstration of how to use lasers to mount and align action parts with great prescision.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Meeting Update


Our Next PTG Meeting

is scheduled for Tuesday September 14th, 3:30pm at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol


Chris Rawson will give a presentation on the use of modern handheld computer technology to organize schedules and create databases on the go. The technical will begin with an open discussion on databases in general, then will talk about benefits of having a digital database, then of having a portable digital database. He will then describe how to build one using the Iphone app: Tap Forms Database, along with Microsoft Excel. Handheld scheduling software will also be discussed, along with how to use the database for digital billing.

Allan Day will demonstrate the technique of "molecular tuning" on problematic bass strings. This is a technique developed and tested by Marcel LaPointe of Quebec. Marcel is a technical "wizard" who breaks the art of tuning and voicing down to the anatomical and "molecular" level.

Allan will also demonstrate how " Pitch-loc" clips can improve egregiously bad bass string bichord unisons and problems with front duplex noise.

Both Chris and Allan's program will be exploring how "cutting edge" technology can make you more resourceful.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September Meeting

Our Next PTG Meeting
is scheduled for Tuesday September 14th, 3:30pm at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol
Chris Rawson will give a presentation on the use of modern handheld computer technology to organize schedules and create databases on the go. The technical will begin with an open discussion on databases in general, then will talk about benefits of having a digital database, then of having a portable digital database. He will then describe how to build one using the Iphone app: Tap Forms Database, along with Microsoft Excel. Handheld scheduling software will also be discussed, along with how to use the database for digital billing.
Allan Day will finish off the meeting with a presentation of his own TBA