Friday, December 31, 2010

Guild Meeting Reminder:

Allan Day has offered to lead the technical for our January meeting, scheduled for Wednesday January 12th at 3:30pm at the corner of rt. 2A & Lincoln Rd in Williston:

This will be an interactive presentation,
The business meeting will focus on preparation for the 2012 NEECSO Seminar.

Friday, November 5, 2010

From the Secretary of the VT PTG

Straight from the shop--
Here is an additional heads up--

Our Next Meeting,
Location: Hilbert Pianos in Bristol
Time: 3:30pm, Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Topic: Planning for a LARGE piano event coming to Burlington, VT in 2012 (New England Eastern Canada Seminar)

We Need Everybody to Weigh In. If you can't come to the meeting, but still want to join with us to make this event successful, please contact Chris Rawson by phone 802-318-0255 or E-mail to coordinate efforts.

At this time, we are forming committees to organize and plan for things like exhibitors, classes, entertainment, registration, Etc.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello VT PTG
There is a correction in the last E-Mail
It says:
2012 Convention

It should read:
2012 New England Eastern Canada Seminar.

Thank you.

Chris Rawson
VTPTG Secretary

Monday, October 18, 2010

From the VT PTG Secretary:

VT PTG Meeting Updates:
Next Meeting, Tuesday, November 9, 2010
at 3:30 pm at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol.
Business Meeting Very Important:
2012 Convention in Vermont, Need All Brains, All Hands, All Expertise we can get to make it a good one! If you can't make it for the 11/9 meeting, please notify when you could. A special meeting time can be arranged so that all can participate. Again- Very Rare Opportunity

At our last meeting, Allan Day led a thought provoking discussion about how to keep pianos going, and keep customers happy in this economy. Tom McNeil showed a fascinating restoration of a pre-1900 Knabe concert grand, & Chris Rawson showed different places and ways that laser beams can be used to assist in regulation.

At the Business Meeting, we discussed the needs we will have for the upcoming convention, and the need to prepare early:

Here are the possible committees we need so far:
Coordinator: work with the venue
registrar: registration with info transmittal
exhibitors: vendors
Teachers and clasees
publicity/ website/ program

Allan Day has offered to lead the technical for our January meeting, Scheduled for January 12th at 3:30pm in Williston :


Thursday, September 30, 2010

October PTG Meeting in Montpelier

New Event:
PTG Meeting Wed. October 13th 3:30pm at Vermont Piano Restorations in Montpelier

At this meeting we plan to discuss 2 topics, 1 "Stayin Alive" discussing ways to keep old instruments going while staying within budget. For the second topic, Chris Rawson will give a demonstration of how to use lasers to mount and align action parts with great prescision.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September Meeting Update


Our Next PTG Meeting

is scheduled for Tuesday September 14th, 3:30pm at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol


Chris Rawson will give a presentation on the use of modern handheld computer technology to organize schedules and create databases on the go. The technical will begin with an open discussion on databases in general, then will talk about benefits of having a digital database, then of having a portable digital database. He will then describe how to build one using the Iphone app: Tap Forms Database, along with Microsoft Excel. Handheld scheduling software will also be discussed, along with how to use the database for digital billing.

Allan Day will demonstrate the technique of "molecular tuning" on problematic bass strings. This is a technique developed and tested by Marcel LaPointe of Quebec. Marcel is a technical "wizard" who breaks the art of tuning and voicing down to the anatomical and "molecular" level.

Allan will also demonstrate how " Pitch-loc" clips can improve egregiously bad bass string bichord unisons and problems with front duplex noise.

Both Chris and Allan's program will be exploring how "cutting edge" technology can make you more resourceful.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

September Meeting

Our Next PTG Meeting
is scheduled for Tuesday September 14th, 3:30pm at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol
Chris Rawson will give a presentation on the use of modern handheld computer technology to organize schedules and create databases on the go. The technical will begin with an open discussion on databases in general, then will talk about benefits of having a digital database, then of having a portable digital database. He will then describe how to build one using the Iphone app: Tap Forms Database, along with Microsoft Excel. Handheld scheduling software will also be discussed, along with how to use the database for digital billing.
Allan Day will finish off the meeting with a presentation of his own TBA

Monday, July 5, 2010

VT PTG announcements

Upcoming Events:
*Wednesday, August 11, 2010 @1pm, PTG social potluck, located at Allan Day's
home in Williston. Please email if you are planning to
come. Please include in the email what dish you plan to bring.

*Tuesday, September 14, 2010 PTG Guild meeting, Please email if you are able to host the meeting. Suggestions are
needed for the topic of the meeting.

Minute Highlights from the June 2010 meeting:
--Chris Rawson accepted the position of Secretary.

--A plan to hold future PTG meetings at different times and places was proposed as follows: Alternate meeting time and place each month. One month on tuesday at a southern location (possibly Hilbert Pianos), and the next month on Wednesday at northern location (possibly Allan Day's home). This proposal takes into account availability of different technicians. Data was collected over the previous several months. Tuesday would always be a southern location, and Wednesday would always be a northern location as a general rule.
More insight on this topic is always helpful to make the PTG meetings as effective as possible for all members.

--Rose gave a thorough and insightful powerpoint presentation on efficient business practices, using the latest technology.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May PTG Meeting

After an extended look at most of the 37 steps of Grand Piano Regulation the past two meetings, we will complete the final few steps this month. It has been a great set of technical sessions led by Ed Hilbert. Don't miss this last one!

Time: 3:30
Date: Tuesday, May 11th
Place: Hilbert Pianos
40 Pleasant Street
Bristol, VT

Any questions or comments, please e-mail vtptg (dot) now (at)

If any former Vermont PTG technicians do not wish to receive these blog updates, please click the UNSUBSCRIBE button at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April Meeting

This month, we have a change in date for our meeting. It will be on the 27th starting at 3:30 with a business meeting as usual. We will continue the technical on Grand Piano Regulation, completing the 37 steps of regulation.

Time: 3:30

Place: Hilbert Pianos
40 Pleasant Street
Bristol, VT

We have been discussing a new monthly meeting day instead of Tuesday. It seems as if Wednesdays work better for most members. We should finalize this decision in the business meeting.

Any questions or comments, please e-mail vtptg (dot) now (at)

PS: If any former Vermont PTG technicians do not wish to receive these blog updates, please click the UNSUBSCRIBE button at the bottom of the page.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 9th Meeting

Hello Piano Technicians!

This month's meeting is on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 starting around 3:30 with the technical starting around 4:15 at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol.

Address: 40 Pleasant St, Bristol, VT

The third session would be actually going through the regulation procedure. Also, a discussion on the minimum and maximum parameters of various measurements and what happens when these get out of range - such as hammer blow, key dip, after-touch. etc. Jigs and tools to make the work easier and more accurate can be shown and explained.

Directions are available upon request.

See you there!

Greg Moore, RPT
Secretary for VT PTG

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Part 2 Grand Piano Regulation

Tuesday, February 9th, the Vermont Chapter will be hosting the second part in a four part series on Grand Piano Regulation. The meeting begins at 3:30 PM at Hilbert Pianos on 40 Pleasant St. in Bristol. For directions and other information please call (802) 453-3743.

These opportunities can often come with a price tag, please take advantage of this FREE opportunity to improve and refine your skills.

Here is a description of the program, as described by Ed Hilbert:

February 9th: Part Two

The second presentation deals with what needs to be considered and done to many actions before they are really ready to be regulated. In other words, prep work such as cleaning, restoring proper friction, shaping of hammers, replacing or reshaping various parts (knuckles, whippen cloth, regulating button cloth, etc.) Only when this work is done is an action really ready for high level regulating.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Grand Regulation

Hello Piano Technicians!

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 starting at around 3:30 (technical starts at around 4:15) at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol.

Please RSVP by replying to this email or calling 802-453-3743 (Hilbert Pianos) 40 Pleasant St, Bristol,VT. If you need directions, please reply and I’ll be happy to provide them to you. If the driving conditions are questionable on the day of the meeting, please call the Hilbert’s to see if the meeting is still on.

These opportunities can often come with a price tag, please take advantage of this FREE opportunity to improve and refine your skills.

Here is a description of the program, as described by Ed Hilbert:

JANUARY 12th: Part One

As for this Tuesday, Emily and I will both be in the shop and can be available to any and all who would like to come and work on any aspect of piano work in which we may be able to help. In other words, have an open, hands-on for any who come. If we are lucky enough to have any of the more experienced technicians come then they too can share their pearls of wisdom.

If you are able to come, please email me or call (453-3743) to let me know you are planning to come. If you have a particular project or idea you wish to work on, let us know about that and we'll try to be prepared to help you with your particular interest. We'll be glad to see as many of you as can make it. We'll be here pretty much all day, but certainly from 3:30 (our regular starting time) on.

First, we should discuss basic concepts of how an action works and why it is designed as it is. We can discuss the artist's needs for control which includes ESP = Efficiency, Speed, and Power (the action conveying the artist's desires, repetition speed, and dynamic level range. How has the modern action evolved to answer these needs?

FEBRUARY, 9 2010 Part 2

The second presentation deals with what needs to be considered and done to many actions before they are really ready to be regulated. In other words, prep work such as cleaning, restoring proper friction, shaping of hammers, replacing or reshaping various parts (knuckles, wippen cloth, regulating button cloth, etc.) Only when this work is done is an action really ready for high level regulating.

MARCH 9th, 2010 Part 3

The third session would be actually going through the regulation procedure. Also, a discussion on the minimum and maximum parameters of various measurements and what happens when these get out of range - such as hammer blow, key dip, after-touch. etc. Jigs and tools to make the work easier and more accurate can be shown and explained.

April 13, 2010 Part 4

In the fourth session, we can discuss trouble shooting of various problems. While many of the common problems in actions not working well are cleared up in the preparation work and regulating, often actions just don't work properly because something fundamental (but not obvious) is wrong. This could include problems such as action geometry not being correct (think of parts that have moved, pot metal action brackets that have changed, etc.), incorrect parts having been installed by someone else previously, poor quality parts not functioning well, etc