Monday, October 18, 2010

From the VT PTG Secretary:

VT PTG Meeting Updates:
Next Meeting, Tuesday, November 9, 2010
at 3:30 pm at Hilbert Pianos in Bristol.
Business Meeting Very Important:
2012 Convention in Vermont, Need All Brains, All Hands, All Expertise we can get to make it a good one! If you can't make it for the 11/9 meeting, please notify when you could. A special meeting time can be arranged so that all can participate. Again- Very Rare Opportunity

At our last meeting, Allan Day led a thought provoking discussion about how to keep pianos going, and keep customers happy in this economy. Tom McNeil showed a fascinating restoration of a pre-1900 Knabe concert grand, & Chris Rawson showed different places and ways that laser beams can be used to assist in regulation.

At the Business Meeting, we discussed the needs we will have for the upcoming convention, and the need to prepare early:

Here are the possible committees we need so far:
Coordinator: work with the venue
registrar: registration with info transmittal
exhibitors: vendors
Teachers and clasees
publicity/ website/ program

Allan Day has offered to lead the technical for our January meeting, Scheduled for January 12th at 3:30pm in Williston :


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